E3D Nozzle X for V6/Volcano
Comes with a lifetime guarantee (covering wear only).
By going with a one-piece all-machined construction we were able to use our existing manufacturing processes to create our carefully tuned internal geometry, which provides fantastic flow response and keep the exact same geometry and compatibility as the rest of the E3D ecosystem.
Benefits of our WS2 ‘polyphobic’ nano-coating:
- Less build up, particularly of sticky and filled materials to the nozzle cone
- Improved first layer reliability; the slick coating has a reduced tendency to ‘drag’ material, particularly at sharp corners where tracks can peel up
- Slicker, smooth top solid layers with a glassy like finish as a result of the smooth laydown of material
- Easier nozzle cleaning, what little material that does adhere is easily wiped away with a paper towel leaving a very clean nozzle.
Read our blog post to hear more about this next generation nozzle